Running R in the Cloud

Chris Bail, PhD
Department of Sociology Duke University

Running R in the Cloud

Load R Studio in your Web Browser!

Running R in the Cloud



  • 100+ times the computing power
  • Cheaper than buying a faster machine
  • Ability to load multiple R sessions at once, or “parallelize” your code
  • Access your R code/data from anywhere

Running R in the Cloud



-Possible downsides are: a) may not be safe for sensitive data; and b) you have to pay for the time you use… but some are free and even the most expensive are not too costly (e.g. ~$5/hour)

Running R in the Cloud

First, you need to create an account

Running R in the Cloud

Next, load an RStudio “Amazon Machine Image” (AMI)

Running R in the Cloud

This will redirect you to this page where you can choose how much power you want:

Running R in the Cloud

Configure your security group to allow incoming HTTP traffic from Port 80

Running R in the Cloud

Create a Key Pair (security measure)

Running R in the Cloud

Once you launch:

Running R in the Cloud

The EC2 Console

Running R in the Cloud

Cut and paste the “Public DNS” address into your browser

4.6 Running R in the Cloud

Log in: By Default the user name and password are both set to “rstudio”

Running R in the Cloud

All done!

Running R in the Cloud


Change your password!

Proceed with caution when loading sensitive data into the cloud!

Always “Shut down your instances,” OR YOU MAY RUN UP A BIG BILL!!!