Due: Friday, March 6


This lab corresponds with the course material pertaining to topic modeling, covered in class Tuesday, February 25 and Thursday, February 27. Submit your completed assignment as a knit R Markdown PDF or HTML file to Dropbox (or printed PDF of a Jupyter Notebook) by the end of day Friday, March 6.


The data you will use for this lab is taken from a Kaggle Dataset created by RakanNimer provided at https://www.kaggle.com/rakannimer/billboard-lyrics which contains the lyrics for all Billboard Year-End Hot 100 (1965-2015) songs. Click the “Download” link which should download a csv file “billboard_lyrics_1964-2015.csv” that we will use as the dataset for this lab.


  1. (1 point) Using the link above and the downloaded file, load the lyrics dataset into your workspace.

  2. (1 point) Subset the data into “decades of lyrics” so that each new dataframe contains the lyrics and other columns from a particular decade of music. Use the following decades so that each has a dataset of song lyrics: 1965-1974, 1975-1984, 1985-1994, 1995-2004, 2005-2014.

  3. (2 points) Prepare each of the datasets so that it can be analyzed using the topicmodels package.

  4. (3 points) Choose a single dataset and run three models to try and identify an appropriate value for k (the number of topics). State which value of k you choose after running these three models as well as why you picked those particular three values of k to run for each of your models.

  5. (2 points) Using the same value of k, run a model on each of the other decades lyrics datasets.

  6. (1 point) Based on your output, does it seem like your value of k was a good choice for all decades of lyrics?